Why does the chemical industry need a vacuum cleaner?

Industrial vacuum cleaners have become necessary for cleaning equipment in many industries. Everyone knows that working in a dusty environment for a long time is harmful to all organs of the human body.

Why does the chemical industry need a vacuum cleaner?

Pollutant particles can destroy the mucosal tissue of the human body through the nasal cavity, upper respiratory tract, and other organs. In severe cases, it can cause a series of diseases, including bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. Therefore, the problem of industrial vacuuming cannot be underestimated. So, today I will introduce to you the role of vacuum cleaners in the chemical industry and the chemical industry.

What is the chemical industry

The chemical industry is the general term for enterprises and units engaged in the production and development of the chemical industry. The chemical industry penetrates all aspects and is an indispensable and important part of the national economy. The chemical industry occupies an important position in the national economy of various countries and is the basic industry and pillar industry of many countries.

why the chemical industry needs a vacuum cleaner

The chemical industry has a wide range of categories, complex processes, and diverse products. The pollutants discharged in production are of various types, large quantities, and high toxicity. At the same time, chemical products are likely to produce a large amount of toxic and harmful gases in various links such as processing, storage, use, and waste disposal. Although the composition of chemical waste gas produced by different chemical production industries varies greatly, many of them are harmful to human health. For example, the exhaust gas produced by the nitrogen fertilizer industry mainly contains nitrogen oxides, urea dust, carbon monoxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, methane, and so on. The toxic and harmful gases emitted by the chemical industry not only affect the ecological environment but also easily cause accidents such as fires and explosions, which seriously endanger human life and property safety.

The role of industrial vacuum cleaners for chemical industry

1. The chemical vacuum cleaner can purify the exhaust gas generated during the operation.

2. It has a certain protective effect on industrial equipment, and timely remove the dust particles in the equipment to ensure the safe operation of the machine.

3. Reduce the risk factor of work. There are many flammable and explosive substances in chemicals, and it is easy to explore if these substances are mixed with air. Therefore, before these substances are mixed, they can be processed in time by machines to reduce a certain work risk factor.

4. Equipment used to collect waste, filter and purify the air, and clean up the environment during industrial production. Industrial vacuum cleaners can absorb various metal, non-metal, oil, water, and other particulate dirt and liquids, and can absorb and purify toxic and harmful gases.

5. As a kind of environmental protection equipment, industrial vacuum cleaners can effectively prevent the hazards of occupational diseases, such as welders' pneumoconiosis and shoe factory leukemia.

At the same time, most industrial vacuum cleaners can be used continuously for 24 hours, have the advantages of strong suction, large dust storage volume, long service life, high-temperature resistance, etc., and can play a variety of materials and shapes of waste media. It can even absorb solid particles above 0.3 microns with an accuracy of 99%, so industrial vacuum cleaners are also suitable for the fine chemical, precision machinery, and other industries.

Publication Date: 18 August, 2020


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